Where do you begin when you decide to do anything you've never done before? Naturally, I began with the research. What were others in my position doing? What resources existed that I could take advantage of? I soon learned that homeschooling was becoming relatively popular in America, with over 3 million children learning at home… Continue reading Where do you begin when you decide to homeschool your child?
Category: Education
Choosing the Road Less Taken
By now you have hopefully read the Story Behind Our Big Move, the background behind the new chapter on chinuch I’m about to begin. If not, go ahead and read it, as it may give you some important context. A discerning (or curious) reader will notice that the article did not specify what path of… Continue reading Choosing the Road Less Taken
Chinuch: A New Chapter
I want to talk more about chinuch. I know I’ve said that before, but haven’t shared much yet. There’s a reason for that. Over the past three years or so, life has taken me and my family on a unique journey. And as I contemplated sharing my ideas, I doubted whether my unusual perspective would resonate with… Continue reading Chinuch: A New Chapter
The Story Behind Our Big Move
(Originally written for the Embrace Magazine, Issue 14) “Want to go away for Shabbos this week?” After ten years of marriage, I’m no longer surprised by my husband’s spontaneous—and to my mind, often wild—ideas. “Where to?” I ask. “There’s this place upstate that needs new shluchim. They want us to come this week to check… Continue reading The Story Behind Our Big Move
What Really Is Education?
I'd like to talk about education. And I know what you're thinking. You're right - I'm not a teacher, or any sort of professional educator at all. I'm just a mother raising her kids as best as she can. But hear me out. I've learned, over this past decade of raising my children, that I… Continue reading What Really Is Education?