Family · Questions

[Some] Questions to be addressed

As we are collecting and indexing our research material, I am also putting together a number of lists. One of them includes the basic questions that we will endeavor to answer in this book. I am going to divide it into categories, beginning with the more intellectual, or theoretical, questions:

  • Is it actually a mitzvah to have LOTS of kids? Traditionally, Jewish people have always raised large families. Is this coincidental, being that the whole concept of birth control was less popular in previous centuries? Or is it in fact a matter of our religion beyond just “what was done”? If so, what is the source for it and to what extent does it apply?
  • On the topic of birth control: Today’s world believes that “family planning” is a basic tenet of a civilized world. A responsible couple must work out how many children they can raise based on various financial, social, and emotional factors. Usually, this maxes out around four. Now, I might love my large family and my nine amazing siblings, but this seems to be a pretty compelling argument. Why would you bring into your family more than you can handle?
  • To take that one step further: There is a discussion in the scientific community regarding global overpopulation, where they posit that the population of the world will soon outgrow the world’s resources. Is this a valid concern according to Judaism? To what extent are humans responsible for global affairs to this end?

I don’t think these questions will be answered be in a short post; they are complex answers which also lie in a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Jewish view of a child. But to start with a question is to start with a focus, so here we are.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Is there something else you think belongs in this category, that should be addressed in our book? Please comment below!

10 thoughts on “[Some] Questions to be addressed

  1. Great Question’s! would be really amazing if the answer can be as clear and articulate as the question’s.

    I think the last question, although very relevant to the topic here, is also a much bigger question and could relate to some other big area’s. Looking forward for more!!!

    1. Thank you! I will certainly do my best, though I believe it will be a while down the line as I pull together all the pieces.
      I appreciate your feedback!

  2. This is beautiful! Inspired! For me the biggest fear is how much can will I be able to handle happily. And how does one trust they are capable of raising happy healthy kids 🙂

    1. Thank you!
      That’s a very important question! I’ll to add it to my list of more “practical” questions, will post about that at a later point bezras Hashem.

  3. Love that you are doing this! It is so important – even to reinspire Those of us who are committed to the ideas. The questions I’d love to see being answered are about how to do it happily and not survive it, and how to know if it’s still the right thing for you, when in order to survive you both need to be working … when women work harder today then 20 years ago, rent is higher, when help is less available for those not living near their familys, and more of these kinds of situations.

    1. Thanks!
      Those are very important points, and in fact answering those concerns is a major goal of this project.
      I will be posting shortly my second list of questions we hope to address, in which this idea will hopefully be included.

  4. Can you hyperlink some of your answers here? I know they are overarching themes but I’m sure you’ve written a couple posts on the topics. Particularly curious about Your second question.

    1. Hey Nechama,
      I’d definitely want to do that at some point, but I don’t think I’m quite there yet!
      In fact the second question is probably what majority of my posts will be about, and I’m barely a fifth in! Hang in there 🙂 and hopefully you can get some food for thought meanwhile and find at least part of the answer for yourself in the posts that I’ve done already.
      Thanks for dropping in, I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far!

      1. I love that you are creating this blog! I think it is essential for us to have such a support system to be able to do what we do, and do it happily. I’m curious to hear the answers to these questions. I already feel a lot better and validated that together we can help eachother do it, and do it well. Thank you!!

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